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Options report is now available

Kevin Wilkinson

23 Aug 2024

Read the report: 'Managing for quality in the organics recycling circular economy'

The organics recycling system, with many interconnecting parts, was mapped at different scales, with emphasis given to process options that will assist in managing quality at critical control points in the circular economy. A range of options were examined in this study, coming from a combination of input from stakeholders and the expertise and experience of the project team.

Central to process improvement is the re-framing of the organics recovery narrative to one of ‘managing for quality across in the organics recycling circular economy.  It begins with a re-examination of the objectives of organics recovery, through to how feedstock quality is defined and managed, possible regulatory reform and, most importantly, a widespread commitment to quality assurance within the organics recycling circular economy. Updates to AS4454 (Australian Standard for Composts, Soil Conditioners and Mulches) are a part of this process to ensure that it becomes more widely used and effective product quality framework for recycled organics. 

The sustainability of the whole organics recycling ecosystem depends on all parties in the circular economy working together. There are many interconnected factors that have the potential to influence the ultimate outcome for organics recovery.

You are invited to read the full report and comment on it.

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