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Technical review is now available

Kevin Wilkinson

16 Apr 2024

Read the report: 'A critical assessment of Standards and the supply chain for producing high-quality recycled organic products'.

The project team undertook a comprehensive review of AS4454-2012, the Australian Standard for Composts, Soil Conditioners and Mulches and the associated organics recycling “supply chain” and regulatory environment.

The report focusses specifically on the technical and economic issues that need to be addressed to ensure that high-quality recycled organic products continue to be produced into the future. This review intentionally emphasizes (though not exclusively) future needs with respect to development of markets for recycled organic products derived from food and garden organics (FOGO) in agricultural production.

All relevant technical aspects were considered regardless of degree of difficulty, which we hope will form the basis for a transparent process of discussion and debate. Future steps in the project will involve the identification of options for improvement over the short to medium-term as well as future R&D needs. Stakeholder engagement will continue to be deep and broad, via a highly collaborative approach (“lite co-design”).

You are invited to read the project technical report entitled "A Critical Assessment of Standards and the Supply Chain for Producing High-Quality Recycled Organic Products". The project team wants to hear from you, particularly if you have ideas about potential solutions to the problems identified in the report. Please use the email form which can be found on the "Get Engaged" page of this website.

Read the report by navigating to the 'Technical Report' page using the Menu (top right-hand corner) or else download copies of the executive summary or full report below.

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